Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Under the Moon ~ A Stampin' Up! Card

Today's card is the Father's Day card that I created for my dad. My goal was to make the "Try a Sketch on Tuesday's" sketch work as a masculine card. I think I managed to roughly do that.
I made this a one layer card because the sketch looked like it was just one layer, and maybe because I was being a little lazy! Creating the scene and layering the colors took a bit of time. I just didn't want to match colors and cut all the layers. I just wanted to keep it simple.
This is the sketch we had to work with. Make sure you check out what all of the other designers created HERE. If you get a chance to play along we'd love to see what you create!
I created this on Lost Lagoon cardstock so it didn't take as much time to make the card dark, plus I wanted a hint of green in the card as well (even though it's hard to tell by the picture that there's green).
Thanks for looking and have a great day!

Remember all products used are listed at the bottom of each post.

 If you have questions feel free to contact me. 
Just click "Contact Me" at the top of my blog. 

Supplies used on this card:

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Thank you for your comments. I read everyone! If you ever wonder how I've made something I'd be glad to let you know! Sara

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